Promoting Small Business In A Small Town

Posted on: 17 January 2019

Starting a business in a small town can be a rewarding struggle. Once you make it known that your business has arrived and the community learns of the services that you offer, things will begin to pick up. Here, you'll find a few tips that can help you kick start a marketing campaign for your small town business.

Get some Flyers Made

It doesn't matter what type of business you're running – flyers filled with information about your business will help to spread the word in your little town. The print flyers should include lots of information about the business and some tidbits about yourself and maybe your family.

Make sure to include the basics of what you do, the times that you're shop is open, how to contact you and possibly a discount coupon to draw in potential customers.

Set up at Events

Small towns typically host lots of events – arts and craft festivals, dinner in the street, and so much more. Take advantage of these events and set up a small booth to spread the word. Getting out there and meeting the people that you'll be serving will help them to feel more comfortable about visiting your business and make them aware that the business has opened. Pass out your flyers and invite everyone to stop by.

Post Signs

Have you posted any signs around town advertising your business? Before you do, check with the local law makers to find out if signage requires any permits and if there are restrictions to posting posters on power poles around town. You don't want to kick things off by angering the police force in the area by posting where you're not allowed.

Make it Fun

Host a grand opening event and invite the entire town. If your business is quite limited on space, wait until you get a stretch of nice weather so that people have space inside and out to enjoy themselves. If you still don't have enough space inside and out, talk with the local VFW or fire department about leasing a hall to host the event. People will go out of their way for free food and fun – you'll be known well after the event if you do it right.

Your business will only thrive if you're willing to put the work into it. Marketing is part of the job, but it's well worth it in the end. Good luck with your new venture.


mail out fliers to promote retail businesses

One very effective form of advertising for a retail business is mail out fliers. If you can promote your business by advertising sales and special deals to the people that live in the general area, you can increase sales for the year. So, how do you go about starting a mail-out campaign? First, you have to design the advertisement and find a printing service to have the advertisements made. I have learned quite a bit over the years that could help you create an effective advertisement for your business and keep the cost of printing to a minimum. Hopefully, you find all that you need to kick off an excellent campaign.

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