4 Features Your Company's New Printed Labels Should Have

Posted on: 17 July 2018

Before you print your company's new labels, it's important to create a design plan to follow that will help ensure that your labels meet your needs and the expectations of your customers and prospects as time goes on. Whether for mailings, advertisements, or an assortment of applications, following are a few important features that should be considered when making your printed label design plan:

Your Company Logo

Your company logo is one of the most important things you can include on your printed labels, as it will help to create brand recognition among everyone who sees the mailings, brochures, and other communications that you put your printed labels on. Including a company logo on your printed labels will also help set your company apart from the competition and ensure that your communications are easy to identify by both your current customers and the target market you are trying to reach.

You can include a small depiction of your company logo in the center or a corner of your new printed labels. Or watermark the entirety of each label with your logo using a transparent print and then print the other information you want to include on your labels right over the logo. It's a good idea to have multiple design options printed before deciding where you want the logo and how you'll include the rest of the information you need to convey on the final version of your printed labels.

Your Contact Information

It isn't enough to simply include your company's address on your printed labels, even if you plan to use them only for mailings. You should give your customers and prospects a variety of communication options to choose from so they'll be more likely to actually contact you if they have interest in your products and services or even if they just have a question about your industry.

Every time a customer or prospect contacts you, there is an opportunity for your company to make a profit, so it makes sense to encourage communication on your printed labels. Include as many of the following types of contact information on your new printed labels as possible:

  • Your phone and fax numbers

  • Your customer service email address

  • A text contact number

  • Your website address

At the very least, your new printed labels should feature your company's website address, where customers can find other contact information for you if they want it.

A Custom Color Scheme

If your company already utilizes a custom color scheme in your advertising and communications, it's a good idea to incorporate that same color scheme into your new printed labels. Like a logo, the use of a custom color scheme will help bring attention to your company and create brand recognition that should help attract new customers and keep current customers coming back for more.

If you don't already use a custom color scheme, work with a marketing expert to create one, and then figure out how to incorporate those colors into all of your company's communications, including your new printed labels. You can incorporate custom colors by using colored print, adding label borders, or even choosing colored paper or card stock to print your labels on.

Environmental Friendliness

Making sure that your new printed labels are environmentally friendly will impress your customers and prospects, and it will let them know just how much your community and the world as a whole means to your company. Using environmentally friendly labels shows respect for the planet, which will help make your customers and prospects feel respected in turn.

Choose material to print your labels on that has been recycled and that can be recycled by your customers and prospects again in the future. And make sure that your labels are printed on machines that use recycled printer cartridges. Include a small environmental disclaimer on your labels to make people aware of the steps you've taken to care for the planet.


mail out fliers to promote retail businesses

One very effective form of advertising for a retail business is mail out fliers. If you can promote your business by advertising sales and special deals to the people that live in the general area, you can increase sales for the year. So, how do you go about starting a mail-out campaign? First, you have to design the advertisement and find a printing service to have the advertisements made. I have learned quite a bit over the years that could help you create an effective advertisement for your business and keep the cost of printing to a minimum. Hopefully, you find all that you need to kick off an excellent campaign.

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